Abstract:To resolve the problems of sharing technology of 3D geometric models for Internet-driven collaborative design, a synthetical sharing mechanism of 3D geometric models was developed based on characteristic flow of 3D model. A multi-granularity description and data structure of 3D geometrical model was presented. A novel approach of reconstructing 3D model towards the local operation based on tour-query of the historic records of characteristic modeling was developed. A supported design platform based on CORBA/Java was presented, which be of high-performance, scalability, maturity, inter-operability, support for legacy systems and ease of development. Through the platform, all the applications, 3D characteristic models dispersed on the remote heterogeneous systems, can be encapsulated into the objects what CORBA agent objects can manage and find. With all the supported technologies, the real-time transmission and sharing of 3D model on the CORBA/Java platforms was realized.