Abstract:18.1%,、13.3%、15.8%和15.2%。To study the performances of the insulation and aeration system of the laboratory-scale aerobic composting reactor system and its effects on aerobic composting process, the hot water thermal insulating experiments in different initial temperatures and weights were carried out. To evaluate the thermal property of insulation cans of the reactors, as well as their ventilation performances at 5 unequal fluxes, in addition, fresh pig slurry and wheat straw aerobic composting were tested subsequently. The experimental results show that: the thermal property parameters UA of insulation cans of the reactors, where U is the overall heat transfer coefficient (kW/(m2?K)) and A is the heat transfer area (m2), has no significant difference, and the standard deviation (SD) and RSD of UA are 0.02 and 4.93% respectively; their ventilation performance has no significant difference, furthermore, for each flux of 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0L/min, the aeration rate is almost equal; the core temperatures of composting of fresh pig slurry and wheat straw are typically undergone in turn a period of rapid temperature increase into the thermophilic range, a plateau region and a gradual return. The time of temperature remained above 50℃ was 5.3, 6.0, 5.1 and 6.8 days respectively. Their volatile solid reduction rates are 18.1%, 13.3%, 15.8% and 15.2%.